Maxima Consulting

If one word could sum up the situation in Serbia, it would be ˝reform˝. However, that word has been both used and misused in the last several decades. It has become a mantra, but lost its meaning. So we say instead that ˝Serbia needs to strengthen all its sectors˝. All governments in the past decade have been faced with a long list of challenges where no easy solutions could be found: high and long-term unemployment; low or no growth; poverty; massive public debt; outdated or non-existing infrastructure; corruption; under-performing industries; excessive burdens on business; and many more. A lot of these challenges are closely linked. Improvements need to cover all sectors and make cross-sectorial connections, to foster good governance and rule of law, and at the same time promote sustainable socio-economic development, which are the twin objectives of the EU accession process. As a local consultancy, we feel responsibility to play our part in helping partners in the public sector as they pursue much-needed improvements, for the benefit of all Serbia’s citizens and the country´s future in prosperity.

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Maxima Communications

Serbia is undergoing dramatic structural changes expected to ultimately lead the country to EU membership. Development projects in partnership with national authorities play an essential role in this important transformation. However, development goals can only be considered successfully implemented when supported, understood, embraced and executed by their beneficiaries. Effective communication is a key to the success of this process. It not only means more visibility for the projects, its management and donors, but it is also an essential tool to motivate and engage the whole of society into accomplishment of EU pre-accession objectives.

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Maxima Consulting International

With the aftershock of the recent financial & economic crisis still rippling across Europe, every administration continues to face demands on a daily basis: from its citizens, for a better quality of life; and from its businesses and potential investors and innovators, for a better and less burdensome environment for enterprise. The challenge for countries in development is to balance reforms in the public administration and judiciary at all levels with substantial advances in the real economy that deliver sustainable improvements in people’s living standards and life prospects. Meeting these twin objectives requires substantial upfront investment in strategic thinking, institutional capacity, regulatory reform, targeted support for business start-ups, SMEs and key sectors, infrastructure investment, and systems upgrades. This is the point at which donor and governmental interests align.

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    • Local Government Finance Reforms II in Serbia (RELOF2) / SECO
    • Business enabling project - 7 years project with the goal to increase the competitiveness of the Serbian economy and its private sector by streamlining the business enabling environment, improving public financial management, and strengthening financial markets. / USAID
    • Implementation of the SECO Local Government Finance Reform Program in Serbia / SECO
    • Sustainable local development - 6 years project implemented through three components: Inter-Municipal Cooperation (IMC) Programming; Public Administration Reform and Youth Development and Participatory Mechanism. / USAID
    • Exchange II – Joint Support to Local Government / EU
    • Capacity Building Package for Local Governments in Nišava District – Phases I and II / Danish Neighborhood Programme / LEDIB Programme
    • Sector Policy Development / Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Serbia, Republican Secretariat for Public Policy / World Bank
    • External evaluation of the mentoring program of the National Agency for Regional Development to support small and medium enterprises / National Agency for Regional Development

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